Tuesday, September 6, 2011

where am i going today?

i woke up this morning asking myself this question. i honestly didn't know if i was going to denton or frisco. pathetic, i know. im feeling a tad bit bipolar. 2 days a week im a teacher and then a student for 2 more days.

today was an absolute blur. not sure if it was because my privileges as a student teacher increased or because i wasn't sure which city i was supposed to be in. lets go with the increase of privileges.

things i did today:

1. gave the spelling test and graded them. (moving on up. whoop whoop)
2. picked the munchkins up from P.E. (by myself)
3. ate my HEALTHY lunch slowly.
4. worked a math problem with the class. 
5. finished 3 homework assignments. (praise Jesus)

the spelling test was somewhat scary because my examples of the words were horrible. for the life of me i could not think of sentences to use the words in... im still in the "i don't want the kids to think im weird" phase. i need to work on this area of my life. ha.

the math problem was pretty neat because my mentor teacher just handed it to me and said here ya go! no pressure chelsea. i didn't have to repeat math 1351 or anything. surprisingly the problem was fairly simple and was mostly review for the kids. i am starting to get to see how my students solve problems and it amazes me of all the different strategies they use.

i like to think big of my students, so i look at them as the future presidents, neil armstrongs, doctors, etc. it scares and excites me to know that they are capable of becoming something big in this world.

 yay for fall clothes.

so last week i did some very neat assignments but i purposely did not include them in my post. the adventure on my bike was long enough for one post. 

in my ELAR methods course we were given a blank composition and instructed to decorate it to describe us. i think i nailed the assignment perfectly.

this will be my writing journal for the year.
one of the first assignments in my journal was 'rambling writing' this is where we ramble for a minute about anything and everything. i absolutely loved this activity! here is an excerpt from my ramble..

"i had a pet dog for a week. my mom sent him away to a 'nice farm' because he destroyed a cat in our yard." 
true story, his name was shadow. random huh?! 
for my next assignment my professor read the book The Memory String by Eve Bunting. we had to recreate our very own memory string and describe each item on it. 
 isn't she lovely?

football helmet: the 15 years of being a coaches kid.
black/gold/white button: working at charming charlie where i met some of my best friends. 
pink dress: my mother dressing me in weird dresses. (love you mom) 
gold anchor button: the motto for my elementary school is 'anchored in excellence'.
blue honey bee: when Emma was born my mother officially became "Honey"

correction from 'it's a beautiful day' :
U2 sings Beautiful day, not Coldplay :)
sorry, my brain is mashed potatoes by 4pm.
so im apologizing in advance for any other errors you might come across :)

1 comment:

  1. Roar...I will forever be upset with you over that one. Kidding, but not really. I hope Emma doesn't Roar in her class because that would be awful!! Your blog is lovely my dear! I love it!!!
